Let us also put off every weight . . . , and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.—Heb. 12:1.

English: Fisherrow Harbour, Musselburgh. There...
Likening the Christian life course to a long-distance footrace, the apostle Paul recommended the above. His point was that we must avoid needless pursuits, needless weights, that will tire us out. It may be that some of us are simply trying to squeeze too much into already busy lives. So if you often feel tired and under pressure, you might benefit from reviewing how you meet the demands of secular work, the frequency with which you travel for pleasure, and the intensity with which you pursue sports or other leisure activities. Reasonableness and modesty should move all of us to recognize our limitations and keep unnecessary commitments to a minimum. Do not let fatigue cause you to miss out on eternal blessings. Every trial—whether caused by temptation, tiredness, or discouragement—will pass, if not immediately, then in God’s new world. w11 1/15 4:16, 18

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Here I am! Send me.—Isa. 6:8.

Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall in Downpatrick
Gaining God’s approval involves the proper exercise of our free will. This is because Jehovah does not coerce anyone into serving him. In Isaiah’s time, He asked: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” By recognizing the prophet’s right to decide, Jehovah dignified him. Imagine Isaiah’s satisfaction in responding with the words of today’s text. Humans are free to serve God or not to do so. Jehovah wants us to serve him willingly. (Josh. 24:15) Any who begrudge God their worship cannot be pleasing to him; nor does he accept the devotion of those whose true intent is only to please other humans. (Col. 3:22) If we rendered sacred service “hesitantly” by allowing worldly interests to interfere with our worship, we would not win God’s approval. (Ex. 22:29) Jehovah knows that serving him whole-souled is good for us. Moses urged the Israelites to choose life ‘by loving Jehovah their God, by listening to his voice and by sticking to him.’—Deut. 30:19, 20. w11 2/15 2:8, 9

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Just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be.—Matt. 24:37.

A photograph of murder victim Keith Bennett
Imagine the challenges Noah had to face as rebel angels materialized in human form and cohabited with attractive women! These unnatural unions produced superhuman offspring, “mighty ones” who used their superior power to bully others. (Gen. 6:4, 5, 11, 12) Think of the violence that was fomented as these giants caused havoc wherever they went. Consequently, wickedness prevailed and man’s thinking and behavior became thoroughly depraved. Jesus prophesied that the conditions in our day would be similar to those in the days of Noah. Today, we also witness interference by wicked spirits, who plant murderous attitudes in the hearts and minds of people. (Rev. 12:7-9, 12) For example, 1 out of every 142 children born in the United States will become a murder victim. With senseless violence so prevalent, do you think that Jehovah will take less notice today than he did in Noah’s day? Will he fail to act? w11 3/15 3:3-5

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There exists a friend sticking closer than a brother.—Prov. 18:24.

COMPTON, CA - JULY 19:  Jehovah's Witnesses vo...
Loyal love should be evident in all our dealings with fellow worshipers of Jehovah. Even under difficult circumstances, the law of loving-kindness should not depart from our tongue. When the loving-kindness of the sons of Israel became “like the dew that early goes away,” Jehovah was displeased. (Hos. 6:4, 6) On the other hand, Jehovah takes pleasure in a regular pattern of loving-kindness. Consider how he blesses those who pursue it. Proverbs 21:21 states: “He that is pursuing righteousness and loving-kindness will find life, righteousness and glory.” Among the blessings such a person will experience is that he will find life—not a brief existence but life without end. Jehovah helps him to “get a firm hold on the real life.” (1 Tim. 6:12, 19) By all means, then, let us “carry on with one another loving-kindness.”—Zech. 7:9. w10 8/15 3:17-19

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Every branch in me not bearing fruit [my Father] takes away, and every one bearing fruit he cleans, that it may bear more fruit.—John 15:2.

English: Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey
Do you welcome the cleansing influence of God’s word of truth in your life? How do you react, for example, when you are alerted to the dangers of this world’s degrading entertainment? (Ps. 101:3) Do you avoid unnecessary fellowship with schoolmates and fellow workers who do not share your beliefs? (1 Cor. 15:33) Are you sincere in your efforts to overcome personal weaknesses that could make you impure in Jehovah’s eyes? (Col. 3:5) Do you keep separate from this world’s political disputes and the nationalistic spirit that permeates many competitive sports? (Jas. 4:4) Your faithful compliance in such matters will bring excellent results. Comparing his anointed disciples to the branches of a vine, Jesus stated the words of today’s text. As you submit to the cleansing water of Bible truth, you will produce even more fruit. w10 7/15 3:17, 18
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