Let your utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt.—Col. 4:6.

Paul was specifically referring to the way we should talk to those “on the outside,” that is, those who are not our Christian brothers. (Col. 4:5) Surely, if nonbelievers deserve respect when we speak to them, how much more so do our friends inside the congregation! Good friends value each other’s opinion, so communication between them needs to be both gracious and forthright. Wise King Solomon wrote: “Oil and incense are what make the heart rejoice, also the sweetness of one’s companion due to the counsel of the soul.” (Prov. 27:9) Is that how you view any counsel you receive from a friend? (Ps. 141:5) If a friend expresses concern about some course of action that you are taking, how do you react? Do you view the comments as an act of loving-kindness, or do you take offense? w09 10/15 4:17, 18

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