If these things exist in you and overflow, they will prevent you from being either inactive or unfruitful regarding the accurate knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.—2 Pet. 1:8.

MIGDAL, ISRAEL - SEPTEMBER 13:  A large elabor...
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The prophet Jeremiah serves as a fine example for us. He needed the spiritual sustenance he received from Jehovah and deeply appreciated it. That nourishment enabled him to preach with endurance to an unresponsive people. “The word of Jehovah . . . proved to be like a burning fire shut up in my bones,” he said. (Jer. 20:8, 9) It also helped him to endure the hard times that climaxed with the destruction of Jerusalem. Today, we have the complete written Word of God. When we study it diligently and make God’s thoughts our thoughts, we, like Jeremiah, will be able to endure joyfully in the ministry, stay faithful through trials, and remain morally and spiritually clean. Therefore, be determined not to cancel your Family Worship evening—not even for one week!—Jas. 5:10. w10 7/15 2:5, 8, 9

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Congregate the people, the men and the women and the little ones . . . , in order that they may listen and in order that they may learn.—Deut. 31:12.

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Are young ones today invited to congregate in order to worship Jehovah? Yes! It is, therefore, a source of joy for all of God’s people to observe that so many young servants of God around the world take to heart Paul’s exhortation: “Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near.” (Heb. 10:24, 25) Further, many children share with their parents in preaching the good news of God’s Kingdom. (Matt. 24:14) And as an expression of their heartfelt love for Jehovah, many thousands of young people every year present themselves for baptism and enjoy the blessings that result from being a disciple of Christ.—Matt. 16:24; Mark 10:29, 30. w10 4/15 1:1, 3

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The harvest is great, but the workers are few. Therefore, beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.—Matt. 9:37, 38.

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A careful consideration of our circumstances may lead us to conclude that we could increase the amount of time we spend in the ministry. 
For instance, many thousands of our young people who recently graduated from school have expanded their ministry and are now experiencing the joy that comes from zealously serving as pioneers. Would you like to taste that joy as well? Some brothers and sisters have considered their circumstances and decided that they could move to an area in their country, or even abroad, where there is a greater need for Kingdom publishers. Still others have learned another language to help foreign-speaking people. While expanding our ministry can be challenging, it brings rich blessings, and we may help many others to “come to an accurate knowledge of truth.”—1 Tim. 2:3, 4; 2 Cor. 9:6. w10 4/15 4:14
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Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin.—Rom. 5:12.

Adam and Eve
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The Biblical account about rebellion in the garden of Eden is well-known. All of us feel the effects of Adam’s sin. No matter how hard we try to do what is right, we make mistakes, for which we need God’s forgiveness. Even the apostle Paul lamented: “The good that I wish I do not do, but the bad that I do not wish is what I practice. Miserable man that I am!” (Rom. 7:19, 24) Our first parents, Adam and Eve, foolishly rejected God’s sovereignty in favor of being ruled by “the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan.” (Rev. 12:9) Adam listened to his wife and joined her in eating the forbidden fruit. Thus Adam forfeited his perfect standing with Jehovah and brought us under the cruel yoke of sin and death. At the same time, mankind came under the rival sovereignty of Satan, “the god of this world.”—2 Cor. 4:4, King James Version; Rom. 7:14. w10 8/15 1:1, 3, 4
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[Timothy] was well reported on by the brothers in Lystra and Iconium.—Acts 16:2.

The Sacrifice at Lystra
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Timothy’s mother, Eunice, and his grandmother Lois were dedicated Christians, but his father was an unbeliever. (2 Tim. 1:5) Paul may have become acquainted with this family on his first visit to the area a couple of years earlier. But the apostle now expressed particular interest in Timothy because he seemed to be an exceptional young man. Hence, with the approval of the local body of elders, Timothy became an assistant to Paul in missionary activity. (Acts 16:3) Timothy had much to learn from his older companion. But learn he did, to the extent that, in time, Paul could confidently send Timothy to visit congregations and act as his representative. In the 15 years or so that Timothy enjoyed Paul’s association, the inexperienced and perhaps shy young man progressed to the point of becoming an excellent overseer.—Phil. 2:19-22; 1 Tim. 1:3. w10 6/15 2:6, 7

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They may be won without a word.—1 Pet. 3:1.

English: the beginning of the 1. Epistle to th...
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God’s Word tells the wife to maintain a submissive attitude toward the unbelieving husband. Her good conduct can influence him to consider what it is that motivates her to behave in such a fine manner. As a result, the husband may look into the beliefs of his Christian wife and eventually accept the truth himself. What, though, if the unbelieving husband does not respond favorably? The Scriptures encourage the believing wife to display Christian qualities at all times, however difficult this may be. For example, we read at 1 Corinthians 13:4: “Love is long-suffering.” The Christian wife does well, then, to continue to behave “with complete lowliness of mind and mildness, with long-suffering,” putting up with the situation in love. (Eph. 4:2) With the help of God’s active force—his holy spirit—it is possible to maintain Christian qualities even under difficult circumstances. w10 5/15 2:6-8

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Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you meet with various trials, knowing as you do that this tested quality of your faith works out endurance.—Jas. 1:2, 3.

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Consider the example of Jacob’s son Joseph, who was sold into slavery by his own brothers. (Gen. 37:23-28; 42:21) Did Joseph’s faith crumble as a result of that act of cruelty? Did he become embittered against God for allowing evil to befall him? God’s Word clearly answers no! Moreover, that was not the end of Joseph’s trials. Later, he was falsely accused of attempted rape and was imprisoned. Once again, though, he never wavered in his godly devotion. (Gen. 39:9-21) Rather, he let trials strengthen him, and for this he was richly rewarded. Granted, trials can sadden or even depress us. But instead of becoming downhearted, why not view trials as an opportunity to confirm your love for God and to refine your faith in him and his Word? w10 7/15 2:13-15

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Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood.—Eccl. 12:1.

Jehovah's witnesses from door to door
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How old do you young ones need to be in order to accept that warm invitation to worship and serve Jehovah? No age is specified in the Scriptures. Therefore, do not hold back, thinking that you are too young. No matter how old you are, you are encouraged to respond without delay. Many of you are helped to make spiritual advancement by one or both of your parents. In this way, you are like Timothy of Bible times. When he was just an infant, he was taught the holy writings by his mother, Eunice, and his grandmother Lois. (2 Tim. 3:14, 15) Likely, your parents are training you in a similar way by studying the Bible with you, praying with you, taking you to congregation meetings and larger assemblies of God’s people, and sharing with you in the field ministry. Really, teaching you God’s ways is a highly important responsibility that your parents received from Jehovah himself. w10 4/15 1:4, 5

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The body is one but has many members.—1 Cor. 12:12.

Map of the distribution of Christians of the world
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Because of inherited imperfection, we all have “a tendency to envy,” and even longtime Christians may occasionally feel jealous of the circumstances, possessions, privileges, or abilities of others. (Jas. 4:5) To help us avoid jealousy, recall that the Bible compares anointed members of the Christian congregation to parts of the human body. (1 Cor. 12:14-18) Although your eye, for example, may be more prominent than your heart, are not both valuable to you? Similarly, Jehovah values all members of the congregation even though some for a time may be more prominent than others. So let us adopt Jehovah’s view of our brothers. Rather than being jealous of others, we can show concern and personal interest in them. By doing so, we contribute to the difference between true Christians and those in the churches of Christendom. w10 9/15 2:3, 12, 13

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Immediately in the synagogues [Paul] began to preach Jesus, that this One is the Son of God.—Acts 9:20.

Deutsch: Jesus und Apostel Simon Petrus, Matth...
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How did some who became apostles respond when Christ called them to be his followers? Regarding Matthew, the account says: “Leaving everything behind he rose up and went following him.” (Luke 5:27, 28) About Peter and Andrew, who were fishing, we read: “At once abandoning the nets, they followed him.” Jesus next saw James and John, who were mending their nets along with their father. How did they react to Jesus’ invitation? “At once leaving the boat and their father, they followed him.” (Matt. 4:18-22) We surely want to imitate the fine examples of those disciples and respond eagerly and without reservation. (Heb. 6:11, 12) And as we vigorously exert ourselves in following the Christ, we enjoy such rich and lasting blessings as peace of mind, satisfaction, contentment, God’s approval, and the prospect of everlasting life.—1 Tim. 4:10. w10 4/15 4:15-17

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The women telling the good news are a large army.—Ps. 68:11.

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In the first century, women played a significant part in spreading Christianity. They preached to others about God’s Kingdom and did things related to that preaching work. (Luke 8:1-3) For example, the apostle Paul called Phoebe “a minister of the congregation that is in Cenchreae.” And in sending greetings to fellow workers, Paul mentioned a number of faithful women, including “Tryphaena and Tryphosa, women who are working hard in the Lord.” He also noted “Persis our beloved one, for she performed many labors in the Lord.” (Rom. 16:1, 12) In our time, a large part of the more than seven million people preaching the good news of God’s Kingdom throughout the world are women of all ages. (Matt. 24:14) Many of them are full-time ministers, missionaries, and members of Bethel families. Jehovah values the part women play in declaring the good news and accomplishing his purposes. w10 5/15 2:14, 15

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I am a shield for you.—Gen. 15:1.

English: Sarah and Abraham hosting three angels
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Those were not empty words. Consider, for example, what happened about 1919 B.C.E. when Abraham and Sarah took up temporary residence in Gerar. Not knowing that Sarah was Abraham’s wife, Abimelech, the king of Gerar, took Sarah with the intention of making her his wife. Was Satan manipulating matters behind the scenes, trying to prevent Sarah from bearing Abraham’s seed? The Bible does not say. What it does tell us is that Jehovah intervened. In a dream, he warned Abimelech not to touch Sarah. (Gen. 20:1-18) That was not just an isolated incident. Jehovah delivered Abraham and his family members on a number of occasions. (Gen. 12:14-20; 14:13-20; 26:26-29) Regarding Abraham and his descendants, the psalmist could therefore say: “He [Jehovah] did not allow any human to defraud them, but on their account he reproved kings, saying: ‘Do not you men touch my anointed ones, and to my prophets do nothing bad.’”—Ps. 105:14, 15. w10 4/15 2:5, 6
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You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created.—Rev. 4:11.

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By reason of his Creatorship, Jehovah God is the Supreme Sovereign of the universe and is above all of his creation. That Jehovah “is a God, not of disorder, but of peace” can be seen by the way in which his angelic family is organized. (1 Cor. 14:33; Isa. 6:1-3; Heb. 12:22, 23) Before anything was created, God existed by himself for countless ages of time. His very first creation was the spirit creature known as “the Word” because he was the Spokesman for Jehovah. The Word is the one through whom all other things came into existence. Later, he came to earth as a perfect human and became known as Jesus Christ.—John 1:1-3, 14. w10 5/15 1:1, 2

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Remove the wicked man from among yourselves.—1 Cor. 5:13.

: : Repentance corner
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The first-century Corinthian congregation faced the situation of a man who unrepentantly practiced fornication. His conduct threatened the purity of the congregation and was a scandal even among nonbelievers. Hence, Paul rightly directed that the man be removed from the congregation. (1 Cor. 5:1, 7, 11-13) The congregation was thus protected from a corrupting influence, and the sinner was brought to his senses and to sincere repentance. On the basis of the man’s works befitting repentance, Paul indicated in his second letter to that congregation that the man should be reinstated. Paul also directed that the congregation “kindly forgive and comfort [the repentant sinner], that somehow such a man may not be swallowed up by his being overly sad.” (2 Cor. 2:5-8) Should we not likewise ‘confirm our love’ for sinners who truly repent and are reinstated?—Matt. 6:14, 15; Luke 15:7. w10 6/15 2:13-15

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All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth.—Matt. 28:18.

Jehovah had Jesus pass on holy spirit to strengthen his disciples in Christian truth. (John 15:26) Jesus poured out this spirit upon the early Christians at Pentecost 33 C.E. (Acts 2:33) That outpouring of the holy spirit marked the founding of the Christian congregation. Jehovah invested his Son with the heavenly leadership of the congregation on earth. (Eph. 1:22; Col. 1:13, 18) Jesus guides the Christian congregation by means of Jehovah’s holy spirit, and he has at his service angels who were “made subject to him.” (1 Pet. 3:22) Also by means of holy spirit, Christ gave “gifts in men,” some “as shepherds and teachers” in the congregation. (Eph. 4:8, 11) The apostle Paul urged Christian overseers: “Pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the holy spirit has appointed you overseers, to shepherd the congregation of God.”—Acts 20:28. w10 9/15 4:7, 8

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See, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world!—John 1:29.

Joseph's Coat Brought to Jacob
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The cost of the ransom can be illustrated by an incident in the life of Jacob. Of all his sons, the one Jacob loved most was Joseph. Sadly, Joseph’s brothers envied and hated him. Yet, Joseph was willing to be sent by his father to see how his brothers were faring. At the time, they were shepherding Jacob’s flock some 60 miles north of their home in Hebron. Imagine how Jacob felt when his sons returned with Joseph’s garment covered with blood! “It is my son’s long garment!” he exclaimed. “A vicious wild beast must have devoured him! Joseph is surely torn to pieces!” All of this had a great impact on Jacob, who mourned over Joseph for many days. (Gen. 37:33, 34) Jehovah does not react to situations exactly as imperfect humans do. Yet, meditating on this incident in the life of Jacob may help us to grasp how God must have felt when his beloved Son was mistreated and cruelly put to death as a man. w10 8/15 2:11, 14
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If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also.—John 15:20.

"Jehovah" at Exodus 6:3 (1611 King J...
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True Christians are not immune to the problems and pressures exerted by Satan’s system of things. (1 John 5:19) In some instances, Christ’s disciples may face certain added stress as they strive to remain faithful to Jehovah. However, even when “we are persecuted,” we are “not left in the lurch.” (2 Cor. 4:9) Why is that so? Jesus said: “Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you.” (Matt. 11:28) By having full faith in the ransom provision of Christ, we put ourselves in Jehovah’s hands, so to speak. In this way, we obtain “power beyond what is normal.” (2 Cor. 4:7) “The helper,” God’s holy spirit, bolsters our faith significantly so that we can not only endure the trials and tribulations we face but also remain joyful.—John 14:26; Jas. 1:2-4. w10 6/15 5:15, 16

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Unless Jehovah himself builds the house, it is to no avail that its builders have worked hard on it.—Ps. 127:1.

Sing to Jehovah, Jehovah's Witnesses' current ...
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God bless you!” In some lands, it is not uncommon to hear complete strangers say this when a person sneezes. The clergy of various religions can be found blessing people, animals, and inanimate objects. Travelers may be lured to some religious sites by the prospect of receiving a blessing. Politicians regularly invoke God’s blessing on their nation. Who really does receive God’s blessing, and why? Jehovah foretold that in the last days, he would have a clean and peaceable people from all nations, who would preach the good news of the Kingdom to the ends of the earth despite hatred and opposition. (Isa. 2:2-4; Matt. 24:14; Rev. 7:9, 14) Those of us who have accepted the responsibility to live up to that inspired description want—and need—God’s blessing, for without it we could never hope to succeed. w10 9/15 1:1, 2
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